Hello everyone! I'd like to catch you up on some of my writing progress so far and what I've been working on. For those of you following me on Twitter (yes my writing still involves clowns).
After I had finished writing the book in one month in 2020, I realized the plot was pretty much a mess. I knew I had to narrow it down to just one antagonist instead of trying to cram two of them into the plot.
But at this point, I was thoroughly confused and wanted to throw my entire book away. Then I realized I've been doing that my entire life when the editing gets tough. I knew I needed to do something different. I've heard about the book Save the Cat! Writes a Novel but in my head I was stubborn. I mean who doesn't know what the 3-Act Story structure is? Wasn't it just a beginning, middle and end?
Realizing I needed to do something different regardless of the cost and my pride, I purchased the book at last. When it arrived, I was pretty excited to start learning. I grabbed my notebook and pen, to take notes. But I was glued to the book and the pen sat abandoned.
The information inside was incredible.
Everything was broken down. Every plot point that was needed, every crucial scene needed to make your book better. After I finished reading the book, I re-read each chapter incorporating it into my notes for my second draft. My second draft is coming out stronger and better. And I had this new book to thank for. I'm more excited than ever now for finish this project and start quering agents for the first time ever. I know everyone has a different way to outline/plot their novels so please comment and let me know what you think.
Gotta get back to the writing now!
Affiliate link to the book below if you're interested: